San Luis Obispo, CA
Oct 9, 98
The sun's shining through the open window and it is quite warm.
Oh happy days, waking up in the morning to perfect blue skies.
Oh unhappy friends, especially in Germany, for every time I am
checking the weather page I know it unusually cold over there
- maybe it's gonna to change from Oct 23 on? A few days ago we
took off from Santa Cruz,, a very nice little city 80 MI south
of San Francisco. That day's ride was special for last trip we
had had the same meeting point, the famous Safeway supermarket
in Carmel, but 3 girls didn't make it and I found'em 21 hours
later thanks to the great help of our then new friend Eddie Murphy.
a very nice, young man
The ride is a bit tricky since there are several parts where Highway
1 is prohibited for cyclists. But it was still easy, even less
than 60 MI and I saw a big difference to last trip when it was
our third cycling day only. Like I took of late, about 1.30 PM
and still made it easily for our meeting time at about 7. Guido,
Trabi and David even did the really famous 17 MI drive, a coastal
detour of amazing beauty and even more amazing properties.
Carmel and Monterey
have loads of famous and rich people living there and they seem
to try to outdo each other with the grandeur of their mansions.
Well, it's hearsay for me since I am not that interested in seeing
that stuff - it seems such a waste too me; same with the Hearst
Castle that I passed the third time on bike now without being
drawn to it at all. Carsten made it first, then funny enough Anneken
and Daniel came in basically at the same time while Ude was still
waiting 5 MI away. Daniel had a flat and Ude said she was going
to wait at the first difficult junction. It came out that Daniel
went a different way even before that.
While I was busy looking
up nearby churches at the yellow pages, a fellow cycling enthusiast
and real estater, Ted, invited us to stay with him for the night.
He is living only 5 MI south, in Carmel Highlands. So we bought
food for travelling Big Sur - 'twas 120 MI 'til the next supermarket.
So tomato sauce and granola for 3 meals each plus the regular
stuff. Getting to Ted's place, Guido volunteered to cook while
others took a shower or chatted in the garden as if they hadn't
seen each other for days. Diner was very nice, including beer
for those who wanted - Ted was so considerate to ask me first
if the Kinders could have.

Prince Albert after Ude's haircut
The kids are really into sleeping, averaging 10 hours per night!
I seem to settle for 7 since I find life and my books far too
exciting to spend all this time without consciousness. Even though
I understand the Kinders' sense for sleeping out of pleasure...
Next morning, after
our host had left for work already, we had the first part of David's
birthday celebration - 17 years old or young now. He didn't succeed
in blowing out the candles on his birthday cake in one try...and
we didn't have time to eat the sweet delight anyway, so the rest
was postponed to the evening. Our 46 MI ride to just south of
Lucia was superb. Finally, we had reached Big Sur, the weather
was perfect, even a slight tailwind, and we are in such good shape
that everybody was surprised how easy the ride was.
Funny detail, just
before getting to our campground, right in the middle of Big Sur,
I was taking a rest and a middle aged man with a video camera
waiting for action asked me 'where do I find Big Sur, this place
with cliffs and so on?'. Well, all I could tell him was that he
was right in the middle of it - with 50 MI in either direction...
David had talked about wanting to get drunk at his birthday.
We didn't have any party yet and I didn't mind helping him in
his wish. So he had decided for a big bottle of brown tequila
- 1.75 liters, almost half a gallon - along with oranges and cinnamon.
At 6 PM, still daylight, he got his presents, including two packages
from home, the cake was devoured and the first tequila shots poured.
The shots were rather big since we didn't have shot glasses, but
plastic cups.

David, still sober....
I had talked with Guido beforehand, telling him that in order
to make sure that David would get drunk as he wanted, we should
toast individually with him. It worked great and then he even
agreed to play some dice games with us, the winner having to decide
who is going to drink. When he understood what's going on, he
quickly announced that he'd quit after three more games. By then
our mission was accomplished.
Carsten meanwhile,
who never had had any alcohol before this trip, started to have
a couple shots on his own and soon enough you saw with a 'stupid'
smile on his face. The bottle was killed surprisingly quickly
- Trabi staying true to his principle of never drinking - while
Ude crossed the border line as well. We had diner in-between,
but by 9 PM the liquor was working inside.
We had selected our
campground very carefully and only one other side was kinda nearby,
but an angry man yelled down to us at that time that he wanted
to sleep. Well, how much can you quiet three drunken teenagers,
especially when Carsten'ss state is summarized by his desperate
cry: "I cannot see clearly, I cannot walk straight, what is going
on?" The angry man's wife paid us a visit and suggested that we
went to the nearby beach. This we did, with 5 of us trying to
regulate the 3 within certain limits. It was quite funny and a
couple hours passed until I found it safe to go to sleep. It was
a special evening and I learned quite a bit about Ude especially,
who usually stays in a way low key with many people around. Besides
laughing I had good talks with Trabi and the others.
Just to explain my
point of view, the trips are designed and aimed at students having
a great time of joy and learning without needing to party - as
much as many of them usually do. But I don't mind a party if it
fits into the trip and the place we are staying at. Well, that
was a difficulty there since it was a state park and I was definitely
violating American law. While planning the outcome of the party
therefore more carefully and being aware of what's going on, I
am on the other hand quite willing to take the risk for I believe
in what we were doing.
The next day we had a rest day, although everybody would have
been able to go on, 30, 40 MI at least. But we've worked hard
especially during the middle part of the trip and decided to end
the trip more like a vacation, since everybody has to return to
school - or civil service, that is Guido. And it'll be the trip
with the most MI, as you know. The weather had just become really
nice when we reached the coast again and according to everybody's
desires, the day was spent with reading, cleaning, chatting, swimming
etc. Trabi and I went shopping - so nice riding the 25 MI along
Big Sur with no gear - and used this beautiful scenery for a personal
Riding on the next
day, we would leave Big Sur that evening. There was a really nice
tailwind and it was a day of grace, feeling strong and peaceful.
David had another flat
tire and it is time to reveal the current facts of our contest
- I hope I get it right. Trabi is still not participating! Guido
keeps sitting on his 6. Ude and me, leading with 9 several weeks
ago, decided to leave it to the others and we remain comfortably
at 10. Now Anneken, including a day with 5 flats!, got up to about
16, then, it is true, David with 19 and Carsten and Daniel with
20. So far, the flat tire queen had 14 on each trip, but this
trip is different. That evening, yesterday night, it was quite
windy and got cold after a special sunset, but then this nice
guy came around and gave us a big load of firewood - which lasted
until I went to bed at 12.30 AM. Daniel told the carefully listening
Carsten, David and Trabi what he remembered about Parcival, stuff
they have to make up once they return. s
This morning we took off mainly individually and had half a
day in San Luis Obispo after only 17 MI. Guido and I met at Barnes
and Nobles, a huge bookstore with armchairs and a cafe. It's so
nice to sip a coffee and inspect some books. I sometimes end up
buying one - used book stores are still my favorite, but how to
find books there that were written within the last couple years?
So, I will be late for our meeting time in an hour 15 MI from
here, but I am sure my dear kids will understand once they know
why I am late.
Be well everybody,
enjoy the sunshine - if not outwardly, I sure hope inwardly -
and keep writing. Sharing a smile,