next day, same location
This in gonna be the real short one, but I wonna try to catch
some of the funny actions, comments and dialogues that basically
happen every day. So here is some that happened staying with our
fabulous host Pat:
- It was time for our laundry yesterday and Daniel didn't have
much left for a chore ride. So he was wearing my bathing shorts,
which revealed the usually covered, very white skinned upper thighs,
a bare chest under an open cycling jacket and his cycling sunglasses:
plenty of laughter and, of course, a good shot for the slide show.
- One of the chores was that I got a haircut, for several good
reasons. It came out, as planned, quite short and nicely. Comments:
'Rejecting': "You look like an alien!" - 'Astonished': "...not
old and wrinkled anymore." - 'Disappointed': "Too nice. You are
not my travel teacher anymore." - 'Condescending': "Well, he looks
better than before." - 'Sympathetic': " a little, cute

...and after the haircut
- Later that afternoon David (reading) and I (newsletter writing)
were listening to his birthday cd on the portable 'ghettoblaster'.
The door opened, Carsten came in, unplugged it and started to
take off. When we protested that we had listened to music and
that he couldn't just take it away, he was totally surprised:
"What? I didn't hear anything..."
- After diner we figured out that Anneken had returned to old
behaviour and successfully avoided her turn in various tasks -
three warm meals, shopping and laundry. So Ude started yelling
through the house that Anneken better get there quickly to help
with the diner clean up. Anneken's reply: "No!" - Ude: "What,
why not??? - Anneken: "Because I am sitting on the toilett." By
the time she came, we had left a bit of the clean-up for her and
she just joined us watching the movie "Jerry McGuire". Pat ended
up being the one when he came home.... - Guido took care of putting
plates and silverware into the dishwasher and starting it. All
went fine - until bubbles started to cover the kitchen floor.
Guess he used the wrong liquid...

- We wanted to get up at 7 since friends' of Pat had invited
us to use their surfboards and ocean kayaks! Most of us wanted
to do nothing but sleep at 1 AM, but David - who joined Carsten
and Guido to look at Pat's rifle collection - once again did his
special way of listening to music. Here it is: Start the music
at good volume, open doors and move over to a different part of
the house.....and be very surprised if anybody objects!

Daniel, Ude and David before the first time
- Trabi had set his alarm and woke me up - we share a room here
- "Andi, 7, time to get up". So I got up and found him sleeping
ten minutes later. My turn to wake him up. With a voice expressing
hurt feelings he responded: "Why do you wake me up? I am tired!"
- Ude's out of cigarettes and I forgot to buy her new ones.
Writing this she started yelling through the house once again:
"Andi, where are you?" Opening the door to the 'computer room'
she wanted to say something when she saw my pack of cigarettes
in my hand outstreched to her. We just started laughing and she
left without saying a word.

Hope you had some smiles and laughter reading this, maybe even
to warm your heart and soul......
Your Gran'pa

David after the first time